Researchers Profile 研究者プロフィール

Misheck Shawa
- 専門分野
- 細菌学
- 研究対象
- 薬剤耐性菌
- 連携組織・機関など
- ザンビア大学
- 趣味を教えてください
- サッカー観戦、チェス
- ひとことメッセージ
- With the emergence of third generation cephalosporin (3GC) resistance globally, the need for focused, comprehensive, and sustained interventions cannot be overemphasized. To help abate the situation, our research team conducted whole-genome sequencing (WGS) studies to identify the dominant _bla_ genes among Zambian 3GC-resistant strains. Based on the results, we used Single-stranded Tag Hybridization-Printed Array Strip (STH-PAS) to develop a novel PCR-based system to rapidly detect the blaCTX-M and blaTEM genes and identify E. coli and K. pneumoniae, which are prevalent in Zambia. This system is suitable for developing countries like Zambia as it uses cheap paper strips, avoiding the cost of gel imaging, ranging from $500 to $2000.